I.C.O.N.S. The first international conference on the Neurophysiology of silence
L’Istituto di Ricerca di Neuroscienze, Educazione e Didattica (RINED) della Fondazione Patrizio Paoletti, in collaborazione con la Sapienza Università di […]
Throughout his life, he has asserted that within the awareness of the whole lies the future for our species.
Author of the bestselling “OMM the One Minute Meditation” (translated into 11 languages), a man of peace, mentor, influencer, and founder of the International School of Self Awareness, he has dedicated his life to creating practical methods and tools for self-knowledge.
Internationally recognized for his contributions to philosophy and science, for over thirty years he has been committed to developing the concept of Human Inner Design. It’s a system of knowledge, methods, and techniques aimed at making individuals aware that designing and redesigning the scenery of their inner world determines their relationship with life and their capacity for change.
His ideas and formats are innovative and effective in guiding and supporting personal and collective change. He promotes a holistic approach to human development in terms of embodied experience, emotional regulation, attention enhancement, and self-awareness.
His strategic vision and creative abilities have transformed the international training landscape over the past two decades. The validity of his methods is also confirmed by research in the field of neuroscience conducted by the Patrizio Paoletti Foundation in collaboration with scientists, institutes, and international universities such as Tel Aviv’s Bar Ilan University, Rome’s Sapienza University, and the CNR.
As the founder of the Research Institute in Neuroscience, Education, and Didactics (RINED), Paoletti has developed the Spherical Model of Consciousness, which has recently been considered the most advanced and elegant neurophenomenological model for consciousness. His research interests include the investigation of “consciousness-in-itself,” self-awareness and its neurophysiological correlates, sensorimotor paradigms aimed at developing attention and willpower, and their educational applications.
He is the creator of several techniques aimed at enhancing brain functions, including the Quadrato Motor Training (QMT), a scientifically tested individual motor training technique that improves functions such as creative thinking, temporal perception, spatial cognition, and information processing.
È ideatore di diverse tecniche volte al potenziamento di funzioni cerebrali, tra cui Quadrato Motor Training (QMT) una tecnica di training motorio individuale testato scientificamente che migliora funzioni come il pensiero creativo, la percezione temporale, la cognizione spaziale e la capacità di elaborazione delle informazioni.
L’Istituto di Ricerca di Neuroscienze, Educazione e Didattica (RINED) della Fondazione Patrizio Paoletti, in collaborazione con la Sapienza Università di […]
This is Patrizio Paoletti’s next new event which will take place from 26 to 29 September 2019. A hard-hitting title […]
A topic moment in which Patrizio share 5 OMMs’ steps to reach a billion people. Because if a billion people […]
I’m full of gratitude for Create your Destiny, the event that took place at the end of May in Mendrisio. […]
The conference about leadership power took place wednesday 10 July at University La Sapienza di Roma. This event was […]
I have just come back from Israel, where I held a wonderful seminar: OMM Live Make Your Life Extraordinary. It […]
Recently one of my central topic is Your Best Yourself. What do I mean with these words? To understand it, […]
Paoletti participated as a key-note speaker together with Mario Calabresi, Alex Bellini and Candice Pascoal to the business training of […]
Patrizio Paoletti held, on 3rd September 2016 in Barcellona, a training session about Comfort Zone at Prodeco Pharma convention: what is it, Why […]
“Question about take care of our inner world became an urgent need not only for young people but also for […]
The official opening of Neuroscience International Research Center of Patrizio Paoletti Foundation took place in Assisi. New labs represent the […]
More than 1000 enthusiastic people took part on November the 18th to the 9th edition of ’21 Minutes Avant-garde. A sustainable economy’ that […]