I’m full of gratitude for Create your Destiny, the event that took place at the end of May in Mendrisio. More than 500 people from all over the world truly engaged themselves to define and realize the life they desire. These people changed and are now ready to take action and make a change in their lives, making good not only to themselves, but also to the world they are surrounded by.
I’m grateful every time I see all these people, who search the most true part of themselves, finding their inner great power and becoming enthusiastic when they find themselves. Taking part to their transformation is the engine of my life.
A special thanks to participants who gifted us with their on stage witness and to my wonderful staff always with me in this extraordinary experience. Most of all I thanks my great family who always supports and assists me with its infinite love.
Have you participated with as in Create your Destiny? Leave us a comment and share with us your event experience. What was the effect on your life? Which aspect of your life have you decided to erase to the next level?
My next event will be in July In Mexico! I hope to see you all! ?